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For Your Information



[Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [First Name of employee] [Last Name of employee]
[Title of employee]
[Company of employee]
[Address of employee]
[City of employee], [State of employee] [Zip Code of employee]

Dear [Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [Last Name of employee]:

As we do every year when the premiums come due, we have been reviewing our insurance policies, and we thought that you might like to know how you are affected by the insurance that we carry.

Basically, our policies cover only the building itself where you live. They do not cover any of your belongings against damage or disappearance, nor do they cover you for negligence should you, for example, leave a burner going under a pan and start a fire which damages the kitchen.

To protect yourself against these calamities, you should get a tenant's insurance policy. Most insurance companies and agents will write such a policy for you, and we would strongly urge that you inquire about getting one.

For the peace of mind that it gives, a tenant's insurance policy is reasonable indeed.


[First Name of employer] [Last Name of employer]
[Title of employer]